Lund City

Organisatör: Melting Pot

Melting Pot Comedy #45

International comedy with pro comedians and the best up and coming acts. All in English. All for free! Our season finale with comedians from SEVEN different countries! Doors open 19:30. [...]
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Melting Pot Comedy #42

Our final show of 2023 is a special one: a new comedy storytelling show, SH#T HAPPENS. The show features some of our favourite comedians telling embarrassing stories from their lives. [...]
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Melting Pot Comedy #41

International comedy with pro comedians and the best up and coming acts. All in English. All for free! Doors open 19:30. Come early, grab a beer and a good seat! [...]
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Melting Pot Comedy #40

International comedy with comedians from SEVEN different countries. All in English. All for free! Join us for our 40th show at our original venue, the fantastic Cafe Ariman. Doors open [...]
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Melting Pot Comedy #39

Melting Pot comedy is back! Join us for our SEASON OPENER. International comedy with comedians from FIVE different countries. All in English. All for free! At our new venue for [...]
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