Lund City

Outlet & Warehouse Sale at HepCat Store

As the weather warms up, so will our store, with plenty of exciting new arrivals and stunning collections from our favorite brands for Spring / Summer 2025!
We’re thrilled to welcome the upcoming season with fresh styles and must-haves from Fleurs de Bagne, Indigofera, Filson, Freenote, and many more.
To make room for all these new treasures, we’re hosting a Clear Out Sale Weekend at the store! You’ll find amazing deals and offers on a wide selection of great products. To add to the fun, we’ll be serving delicious food outside the store, creating the perfect weekend vibe.
This event is extra special because it’s the first time we’ll be open on a Sunday! Join us Friday, February 7th, to Sunday, February 9th, with food served on Saturday and Sunday for anyone feeling hungry.
Mark your calendar and don’t miss out – we can’t wait to see you!

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  • HepCat Store
  • HepCat Store

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