Lund City

Aerial Heights

Winter is here, its dark and cold and embraces us with a feeling of hibernation of turning inwards and staying at home. For the evening Aerial Heights we invite you to step out of that space, come out of your hibernation and look to the skies. We’ve invited some of the worlds most innovative aerialist artists. Those who work at heights, to for a moment take us on a journey, open our minds and taste the feeling of flying.


Cá entre nós – Cia Doisacordes (Brazil/Spain)   ‘Cá entre nós’ is a Brazilian expression. It is used in the imperative mode, generally precedes or succeeds a very specific event. It describes a space between us which is shared, a liminal space, a ritualistic, sacred, and above all, a space for refuge. The relationships and movements emerging in this space arise from the need to connect and reconnect, concretely, in between two people.  What has been said, or done, must remain in that moment and only between those involved, a trust. Therefore, the expression Cá entre nós, could be translated as:“Just between us”.

Authors and Interpreters: Thiago Souza and Roberto Willcock

Dramaturgy: Jean-Michel Guy

Light designer: Gabriela Bianchi

Compositor: Jokubas Tulaba

Residencies supports: La central del Circ, Roca Umbert, C.IN.E, FRAC Fuenlabrada, Bravo – Italian Circus on the Move, UP!, Latitude 50, Centre de Création, Cirko Sapiens.

Sponsors/fundings: Co-production: Shortlisted circusnext 2023, project co- funded by the European Union.



Aurélie Bernard (France/Denmark) Aurélie is a French circus artist and aerialist based in Copenhagen.

She has been developing her performances since the early age of 15 at various circus centers across France and Switzerland and has a BA in circus arts from the National Centre for Circus Arts, London, Britain’s powerhouse of circus.

She has since worked all across the world with contemporary circus, cabarets, corporate events, artistic project. She recently opened ” Copenhagen Aerial Studio” to help develop the aerial circus scene in Denmark.

For this evening Aurélie will present a brand new aerial hoop piece for all Lund. Come join us!


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